Our Service Promise to you:
24 Hours 365 Days
We Provide full year round support services as required
Emergency and Planned Responses
Our Services can be provided at a moments notice throughout the UK
Dedicated Manager Support
All Services are assigned a Dedicated Manager as a Single Point of Contact
Fully Bespoke Service
We will tailor our services to ensure we meet and exceed your specific requirements
Assistive Parenting Services
At UK Care we understand how important it is for a newborn baby or Young Infant to remain with their parents wherever possible and removing an infant from a Mother is only done as a last resort by Social Services and Children’s Support Teams.
In the early days, weeks and months it is the best window of opportunity for a parent and their baby to form a relationship and bond with each other. For Vulnerable Teenagers and Young Adults this can be a very stressful time and it is vital to provide a support mechanism to Safeguard both Parent and Baby whilst giving the time, support and Education needed for Parental Care to be established independently or to enable the identification of Vulnerabilities or needs that may not have been seen under the usual meeting settings.
At UK Care we can offer a wide range of Assistive Parenting Services that are designed to Support Vulnerable Teenagers and Young Adults with babies or infants in line with Social Services and Local Authority guidance and the Childrens Act 1989 welfare checklist. We can implement bespoke support mechanisms as part of Discharge Plans or further Assessment Steps to enable effective Safeguarding support for everyone involved.
We also understand that needs can change at a moments’ notice which is why we are completely flexible in approach, ensuring that needs are met at the times where they are required
We work closely with Local Authorities around the UK to implement Support Plans that enable Local Authorities to keep a child with their parent(s) whilst also providing the support, and protection of the Health, Safety and Well-Being of Both the Parent and Child whilst still in their residential setting.
We provide Specialist Care Workers who can provide Support, Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Teenagers and Young Adults and their infants to ensure the Well Being and Safety of Everyone involved whilst enabling the parent to be a primary care giver for their Child, providing support care and education throughout this time.
All of Our Team Members work fully in line with The Children’s Act 1989, paying particular attention to the Welfare Checklist in Section 1. Our Team are trained to support and assist in Parenting Children, ensuring the Child is Safeguarded and their overall needs are met.
Below are just some of the Services we can provide:
Overnight Residential Support – in House or Secure Residential
We can provide dedicated Care Worker or Workers that can provide overnight support to Vulnerable Teenagers or Young Adults with infants on an Ad-Hoc, Short Term or Long Term Basis fully implementing support plans provided by Local Authorities. We provide the Supervision, Education and Support for the Parent ensuring that the Health, Safety and Welfare of all individuals is established and maintained.
Full Time Residential Support – In House or Secure Residential
We can provide Full Time 24/7 Residential Support Team for Vulnerable Teenagers or Young Adults with Infants, providing the Education, Care and Support needed to ensure the Safeguarding and Well-Being of all individuals involved. This can be in their current residential setting or a fully Risk Assessed Residence can be provided if required.
Local Authority Access Support and Assistance
We can provide Care Workers and Secure Access Support for Social Services and Local Authorities to ensure Safeguarding needs are met and implemented when needed during Local Authority access requirements during visits.
Hospital Baby Watch and Care Services
We can provide Specialist Bed Watch Services for both Vulnerable Teenagers or Young Adults with Infants or Young Children to support Local Authorities to ensure Safeguarding and Well-Being of all people involved in a Hospital Environment.
Secure Interventions under Local Authority Approval and Guidance.
We can provide Secure Intervention Services if the need arises for Local Authorities including Emergency Supervision, Care and Transportation Service as required
Our Team of Specialists are dedicated to ensuring the Health, Safety and Well-Being of both Parent and Child. Working with the Local Authority Services, we can implement a full support plan to enable Parent and Child to remain together whilst in the early stages of relationship forming and development, providing Educational Care and Support as required.
Whilst following the specific instructions from the Local Authority, our Care Team can provide a completely bespoke support package to ensure the Safeguarding of both the Parent and Child is in place following the birth. Supportive Care with an approach of “the Parent First” is adopted wherever possible and our Care Team can provide full supervision and support in this process. Our Team can provide full reporting back to the Local Authority including a full diary of events whilst supporting the relationship between parent and child including full logs of Educational and Developmental improvements or changes that have taken place
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